Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Ultimate Goal that I have as an Educator is to become  the best and most Effective Anti-bias Educator that I can possibly be by making a difference in the lives of the children that I teach.

My goal as an Anti-bias Educator is to make sure that I make all students feel safe, secure, and non-subjective to any type of bias.

Thanks to all classmate for the encouragement given to me through the duration of this course.   I wish that we accomplish all the hopes and dreams that we have established for ourselves.  May God continue to bless each and every one of you and your families.  Keep up the hard work and accomplish all.

Erica Hines

Sunday, December 16, 2012


My art work is a poem entitled:


Does It Really Matter
Does it matter that I do not look like you, walk like you, or talk like you?
Does it matter that I am proud to be a woman, tall, plumb, and brown skinned?
Does it matter that I love me for me and have been given the opportunity to compete with the best?
No it does not matter that I do not look like you, walk like you, or talk like you.
Because I am me and I am proud to be me.
I love me for me.  I love me because I am me, so no, it does not matter if you like me or love me,
Because I love me and that is enough.

By: Erica Hines

Sunday, December 9, 2012

"We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"

I remember being in the store with my son.  This woman (who is know one of my co-workers for the past eight years) and her daughter passed by.  Her daughter has this illness that left her with really short limbs,  she have two fingers on each hand.  She can not talk.  Well my son saw her for the first time as they were walking down the aisle in the store and he asked mom what's wrong with her.  I told him to be quite, the girls mother heard me she turned around and came to me and said "don't tell him that, he just want to know, so she begin to explain what was wrong with her daughter to my son.  After she got through explain, my son asked the lady May he buy her little girl an ice cream.  I as an adult and an educator felt so ashamed of myself because as an educator, I should have known to explain to my son that people are different but they all are still human and deserve to be treated with respect.

As an educator of young minds we should have a variety of materials such as books, dolls, manipulative's, puzzles, and various of other items to teach our children about diversity of all type.

Erica Hines 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gender, Gender Idenity, Gender Orientation

I am responding to the following bulletin:
*       - Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families.

I believe that early childhood centers should not avoid the inclusions of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families because the children that are serviced by many of the early childhood centers are raised by same says parents.  In the center that I work for, we have a lot of children who are raised by same sex parents or partners.  So when the children family members come to visit them at family hour other children are asking why you have two moms.  I believe that if we have literature for the children than they will better understand what is going on and the other children will be able to relate.  This by no means says that the teacher or the center agrees with the living conditions it just say that they respect that diversity in various households. 

*       -How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child

I would explain to the parent or family member that here at this particular center we do not discriminate.  I have the confidence in this particular person that the parent is referring to do a wonderful job of caring as well as educate their child, but the ultimate decision is up to you the parent, either your child can stay at the center or you are welcome to take your child to another center.

I believe that people should not be judge on who they are or what they believe in.

Erica Hines

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Thanks to everyone for their kind words and responds to my blog.  Also I would like to thank you for listening to what I had to say.  May our journey leads to the road to success and effective communicators.

Thanks and til we meet again,

Erica Hines

Sunday, October 14, 2012


In the past I believe the hardest group that it was for me to say good-bye was to a group that I did not mention in my assignment.  It was a group of that I worked with in the Medical Field.  I worked at this practice for eight years prior to going into the educational field.  We did everything together.  After work, we hung out together, we visited each other’s homes, and special events that were going on in their family.  After the business relocated to another state, we stayed in contact with each other for a little while but shortly that ended as well.    I wished that we would have made some type of connection that we would have been able to have some type of closure.

I believe that we as classmate will say our goodbyes to one another and some will exchange numbers and keep in contact with each other.  Adjournment is necessary for closure.

Erica Hines

Sunday, September 30, 2012


After taking the communication test and then
comparing the results with the two people that I
choose to evaluate my communication skills, I
surprise that their thoughts of the way I
communicate was somewhat different then the way
I perceived my communication skills.  They stated
that to their knowledge, I did not appear to have a
problem or concern with speaking in front of a
group.  I felt that sometimes I became nervous
when speaking in front of a group of people I just
met.  This was something that they stated they did
not notice.  Both participants stated that I was a
good listener as well.  I thought that I could
improve in this skill.  Both participants stated that
they thought that I speak my mind with no
particular concerns if it hurt another person’s
feeling or not.  I disagree with that statement
because I believe that I am constantly trying to
spare the feelings of others.

This assignment was neat because you had the
opportunity to view yourself through the eyes or
opinions of others.


Sunday, September 23, 2012


Sometimes when talking to people whose culture is different then mine, I find it difficult and frustrating.
I find myself communicating differently because I want to be cautious and not offend another person. I try to listen more and allow them to speak more before commenting or engaging verbally in the conversation.
One thing that I feel that I can do is learn more about the culture of others. The next thing that I feel that would help is be more understanding and trying reading the body language of others and asking them to explain or discuss their culture beliefs so that no one would be offend or take misunderstandings out of context.
The third strategy is to try being more open to new ideas and beliefs.

I believe applying this strategies would help me become a more effective communicator with someone of another culture.


Sunday, September 16, 2012


This week a watched a show that I usually do not watch and it was an episode of the Andy Griffith Show.  In this particular episode, Opie had a new teacher, she was teaching them about History.  Well Opie and his friends or classmates thought that the teacher was teaching them a lot of useless facts, so they went to Andy and telling him about how they was not interested and how the teacher was boring.  Andy tells them the story of Paul Revere and Opie and his friends became interested in history, but before then Andy and the teacher exchanged words on the way she was teaching the boys and how the boys were behaving. 

Well when I watched the television show with the volume turned down, I could tell that the boys did not do something they were suppose to do at school or that they were in trouble by the teachers facial expression and body language, as she was talking with the students and Andy.  The thing that threw me off was when Andy was telling the boys the story of Paul Revere; I assumed that they (the boys) were being reprimanded for their action at school.  After hearing the conversation, I realized that the boys facial expression did appear to have the appearance of amazement and wanting to know more information.
If this was a show that I knew very well then, I probably could have just listen to the conversation without watching the picture and would have been able to explain what was going on in the scene.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


When I think of someone who has influenced my thoughts of communication, I have to say that it would be my daughter, Taylor.  She is 19 years old who is filled with confidence and the ability to get her point of view over no matter how she has to do it.  She speaks often in front of audience of young children and always know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.  During her speeches she uses a lot of verbal and non-verbal techniques.  Some of the techniques are facial expression, body language, or visual aid. 

I have heard a lot of motiviational speakers before, but after hearing Taylor speak, not because she is my daughter but because she is a wonderful speaker, she has given me a new out look on communicating with others.  In order to be a great communicator you also have to be a good listener.  

Thanks to a wonderful teacher, my daughter Taylor.

Erica Hines

Saturday, August 11, 2012


This week’s blog assignment is a creative one and interesting one. The country that I Chose to pretend that my family’s origin is from is Africa. I am very interested in learning about Africa because of all of the negative information presented on the news. I feel that everything is not negative but there is a good side to every situation.

The first way that I will prepare is to learn about my family’s language. Learning to communicate in a person native language helps lessen the barriers of communication issues. The second thing I would do to prepare myself is learning about the various food my family likes. The third thing I would do is learn about cultural backgrounds the do’s and the don’ts. The fourth thing I would do is learn about my family’s religion so that I may not offend them in anyway. Finally the fifth thing I would like to know is what is important to my family. Knowing the above listed information would help me and my family form a relationship so that they may feel comfortable in a safe and secure learning environment. This information will also benefit me as an educator because it will help me to be able to implement this information in my lesson plan.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


The prejudice and bias that I recall was in a movie “ A Time to Kill”. In this movie this black family’s little girl was raped, and left to die by two white males. To make a long story short, the father shot and killed the two white males for what they did to his daughter because the judge only gave the two white men a slap on the wrist for their action. The black man (Samuel Jackson) hired a white attorney and his reason for this action was because he (Samuel Jackson) told the white attorney that he was one of them (meaning he was white) so if anyone could get him off for murder it would be someone who thought like or hated black people like the white jury did. Well to sum it all up the lawyer in his closing argument stated that this man was in the position that he was in because he was black. If the jury would search their heart and think that if someone would hurt their daughter a white one like that then they would have acted like Samuel Jackson.
The prejudice or bias in this situation dimension equity because in the South when their was a separate line blacks where treated different because of who they where. The same incident could have happened to a white child and the outcome would have been very different. There first would have not been a trial for murder.
This brought up the feeling that prejudice exited even though the type of incident that occurred no one should have saw color but a crime was committed and it destroyed the life of a child.
People would have to change because prejudice was shown on both side the African Americans and the Caucasian..

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Perspective on Diversity and Culture

As I  spoke with a friend of mine, They told me that they define diversity as being different and they said that thier definition of culture is believing in the same thing, having the same value.  As I study the material thus far for this course, I realize that diveristy is different in the form of gender, race, culture, socioeconomic status, or ability verses disability.  All of this things are a form of diversity. 

Culture having the same value. People could have the same culture background but have different values or beleifs about different situations.

Examining others definition on culture and diveristy, helped me to realize that without being educated that our definition is on the right track but is broad and being educated helps you to narrow the definition down to a more concrete definition.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


This class has taught me a lot about research.  I was informed of the importance of validity.  Through this course, I learned that research can be done through several methods.  Most time mixed methods is used for several reason.  Through this course, I learned that research is important when researching information that will benefit the success of children in Early Childhood Education.  In this class, there was some challenges.  Learning about the different types of methods and it terminology.  My perception of an Early Childhood professional has been enhanced through this course.  I learned that the way educators teach are based on research and learning what works best. 

I have enjoyed this course and sharing information with my classmates.  Thanks to everyone who have given me advice or a nice comment.  Thanks and hope to discuss issues that matters in future courses.

Erica Hines

Saturday, June 2, 2012


This week I was given the opportunity to explore different international research topics.  I chose to explore this website  One of the question What are some the current international research topics?  Some of the topics that I saw was "Exploring and promoting the value of indigenous knowledge in early childhood development in Africa", Social responsibilty as dimension of intelligence, and as an edicational goal, and insgits from programmatic research in an African Society." 

The next question is what surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this interational early childhood website?   I learned that this program is devoted to developing Middle East North Africa children family and communities.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?  I learned that ECDVU is not only a community of learners but a community of leaders and capacity builders, which is aimed at addressing leadership needs in African ECD.

Erica Hines

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Hello everyone!!  My topic that I am interested in is “At what age should you teach phonological awareness?”  I know that we as parents introduce phonics to our babies without being aware of this, because as we talk the child is listening and it becomes a part of repeating what they hear.  But the question that I am asking is when is it necessary to purposely start teaching it.  The reason this is a topic I have interest in is because at my present job, I am constantly in debate with the Education Coordinator at our center about what we should be introducing to our students.  I know that some of my students are on different levels than others and she states that I am pushing them to hard and focusing on things that are not age appropriate when it comes to phonological awareness.  I explain that my theory for my action is because children mature at different levels and I believe that we should encourage growth and help each individual child on his or her level to be successful. 

So with this in mind I feel that if I can show her the research then maybe I can prove my point and then she will understand why I feel the way that I feel.

Erica Hines

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Sadly, I was not able to get in contact with my International Educator, but I was able to read the blogs of my classmates who was fortunate enough to have someone respond to them.  Through this course, I gained valuable information and I also learned a lot from my classmates international friends.  The sad thing that I learned from this course is that it does not matter where you are from some children still suffer and do not receive the quality Early Childhood education that they deserve.  One reason for this is because poverty strikes all Countries and therefore causing some to suffer and be without.  The lack of knowledge or understanding of the available resources is another factor that children around the world are without.

This course has been an eye opener for me and I have enjoyed participating and learning valuable information that I believe will help me to grow into a great educator.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


After many weeks of trying to reach my international contact, I have had no LUCK.  So again I am left doing the alternative assignment. 

After looking over the web site that was assigned, I learned some interesting information.  For example UNESCO organized the first World Conference on ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) in September of 2012.  Because ECCE is universal it was so important that participating countries committed themselves to expanding and improving comprehensive ECCE, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantage children.  Another interesting piece of information that I learned was that ‘a policy of universal with targeting can minimize in equity where governments aim for universal access among the target age group but simultaneously priorities the poor” (

This article informs me that Early Childhood Education is important everywhere and unfortunately a lot of people miss the opportunity to experience this for one reason or another.

Erica Hines


Access and Equity (2012).

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Unfortunately, I still have not heard from my international contact, therefore I will exlpain what I learned from reading the article, Global Children Initiative.  I learned that as Educators, we must be willing to help globally  with making sure that all children needs are meet.  This article also informs us that we must address the issue of  economic dev elopment as well.  THis article tells me that regardless of where you are, you still can be resourceful in making a difference in the lives of other regardless of their location.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


This week, we have to give some of the insights that we have recieved from our resources.  Even though I did read the resources,  I have really been under the weather really suffering with asthma attacks and allergies, I am having a lot of trouble staying focused.  But I will say that I really enjoyed reading the article by Shonkoff “Mobilizing Science to Revitalize Early Childhood Policy,” which explain how it has  been proven early childhood programs help prevent illiness in adulthood. The article summarized the effects of toxic stress on the brain and the benefits of stable relationships in early childhood. As educators it is our duty to know what is being proven by scientist so that it will help us to better prepare our students to grow up into productive members of society.

Erica Hines

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Because I have had no luck making contact with someone from another country, I am going to attempt to share three insights that I have learned about poverty in another country. 

After reading the article in "CHIP", I  noticed that in "Asia more than 90 million children goes to bed hungry every night" (  This is a tragedy, but the article also informs us that 10 million children under the age of five dies from preventable diseases.  These diseases can be avoidable if poverty level was not up.  The article also stated that "most children who grow up in poverty usually becomes adults who live in poverty.  Poverty in China as declined some due to the transition from a centralized planned unto a globalism market but it has created new form of vulnerability and poverty (www.

Poverty is a sad situation and need to disappear all together.  In the article, I noticed that Poverty denies opportunity to people of all ages (


Saturday, March 10, 2012


The organization I selected is Pre-K now.  The link is  This organization focus is to make sure that all children gain the social skills that they need as well as receive the necessary school readiness skills needed to be successful during their school endeavors.  Since I am employed with a Head Start/Pre-k program it is always interesting in finding information that can be useful in maintaining a safe and productive class.  The article from this web-resource that I thought to be most interesting was the article on "Transforming Public Education Pathway to a Pre-K -12-future".  This article was interesting as it focused on closing students achievement gaps. 

If anyone gets a chance I think that this would be a very enjoyable article for you to read.

Erica Hines

Saturday, March 3, 2012


For this assignment, I had to make contract with someone outside of the United States who is in the Education field. I have not heard back from the people whom I emailed to make contact with because I just attempted on Friday.  I decide to try to contact someone from Africa because I am really interested in how the Education system work there since all we ever see in the media is that children in Africa does not have the opportunity that American children does when it comes to education.  The second person I wanted to reach out to is someone in Hong Kong, since their education system is stated to be one of the more elite systems.  I wish everyone the best with this quest to learn about other Education systems across the world.

Erica Hines 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


As I reflected back on what the terms support means to me, I realize that I am very blessed to have a supportive family, co-workers, church family, community, and school-mates, and my students.  These people are very supportive in many ways.  Some are supportive on a daily basis while others are supportive when needed.  My family are supportive in many ways.  They are always there when I am up or down.  They provide me with words of wisdom, financial, emotional, physical support. My co-workers provide me with the support I need while on the job.  At the job, we are encourager's, advisers, and helpers to one another.  My classmates provide the necessary encouragement I need to get through the classes and assignments.  My students are more supportive than I can ever imagine.  They say just the right things at the right time.  They support me by provide me with the comfort of knowing that the depend on me. 

When I think about not having the support that I mentioned above, I just can not imagine how my life would be.  I don't feel that I would be as successful as I am with hearing "You can accomplish anything you but your mind to".  I believe that it would be very difficult to be motivated without the support of the people who means a lot to you.

The challenge I chose to imagine was being paralyzed on one side from a stroke.  I really don't know how I would be able to recover without the encouraging words from my parents, siblings, or children.  How would do daily activities without the initial assistance from the people who support me.  I just can not imagine the impact this would have on my life.

I am very fortunate and grateful to have the people in my life that support me the way they do. 

Erica Hines

Saturday, January 28, 2012


As a child, I was very happy with  riding a bike and playing football with my older cousins.  Through play I learned what teamwork was and I learned that play helped to build character.  When I was growing up there was things that girls could play and things that boys could play.  I was always getting in trouble because as a girl I was not suppose to be playing football with the boys but I was suppose to be playing with my dolls and girl cousin or watching my Granny make a quilt.   As  an educator I can say that the way things are a little the same is that there are still gender based play.  In our classroom we encourage the children to explore all types of play regardless of gender.  

Here is a quote from The National Institute of Play, that I really enjoyed reading:  " The ability of a young child to create their own sense of their mind, and that of others, takes place through pretend play, which continues to nourish the spirit throughout life, and remains key to innovation and creativity" (2009).

Saturday, January 14, 2012


As I reflect back on positive relationships and the people whom I had these relationships with, I realize how blessed I am to have encounter such meaningful people in my life.

As always my parents James and Shirley Hines have had a great impact on my life.  They taught me how to be me and alway love me regardless of circumstances that occurs in my life.  Our relationship is a positive in so many ways.  If I want the truth regardless of how hurtful it may be I can count on them to give me that.  My parents are very supportive of all of my dreams and goals.  They are biggest cheerleaders.

The other people who have been positive in my life are my children Taylor and Jaylan.  They help me to push on when I feel as if the fight is gone.  They encourage me to be the best that I can be.  All I do, I do for them.  I think that our relationship is two-sided, they encourage me as I show them that dreams are reachable and that if they are going to dream, dream big and anything is possible.

My sibilings, Scottie, Anthony, and Creshauna are the other people who support me whether or not they believe in what I am doing.  They are a supportive team. 

I have several friends that have I have great relationships with as well.

On my job, I feel that my co-teacher and I have a great partnership.  We feed off of each other.  We have one goal and that is to make sure that our children are learning in a safe and nurturing environment.  We constantly support each other by encouraging each other to continue our education, give advice on raising our children as single mothers, and making sure that our classroom has a positive atmosphere.

Some of the challenges of maintaining a relationship would be lack of communication and not have the same goals or aspirations.

I am grateful for the people whom I have built these relationships with.  They are very supportive and encouraging.

Erica Hines