Saturday, May 12, 2012


Hello everyone!!  My topic that I am interested in is “At what age should you teach phonological awareness?”  I know that we as parents introduce phonics to our babies without being aware of this, because as we talk the child is listening and it becomes a part of repeating what they hear.  But the question that I am asking is when is it necessary to purposely start teaching it.  The reason this is a topic I have interest in is because at my present job, I am constantly in debate with the Education Coordinator at our center about what we should be introducing to our students.  I know that some of my students are on different levels than others and she states that I am pushing them to hard and focusing on things that are not age appropriate when it comes to phonological awareness.  I explain that my theory for my action is because children mature at different levels and I believe that we should encourage growth and help each individual child on his or her level to be successful. 

So with this in mind I feel that if I can show her the research then maybe I can prove my point and then she will understand why I feel the way that I feel.

Erica Hines