Saturday, June 23, 2012


This class has taught me a lot about research.  I was informed of the importance of validity.  Through this course, I learned that research can be done through several methods.  Most time mixed methods is used for several reason.  Through this course, I learned that research is important when researching information that will benefit the success of children in Early Childhood Education.  In this class, there was some challenges.  Learning about the different types of methods and it terminology.  My perception of an Early Childhood professional has been enhanced through this course.  I learned that the way educators teach are based on research and learning what works best. 

I have enjoyed this course and sharing information with my classmates.  Thanks to everyone who have given me advice or a nice comment.  Thanks and hope to discuss issues that matters in future courses.

Erica Hines


  1. Hi Erica

    I think this course was such a big help, it allow me the opportunity to really learn why research is done and the process of conducting research. I will use the correct terminology when talking about research with other professionals.

  2. Erica,
    I learn so much more about research. It is a most important part in our lives. It does help us to understand why or how things happen. I now understand the process of doing research too. Hope to see you in future classes as well.
