Saturday, March 24, 2012


This week, we have to give some of the insights that we have recieved from our resources.  Even though I did read the resources,  I have really been under the weather really suffering with asthma attacks and allergies, I am having a lot of trouble staying focused.  But I will say that I really enjoyed reading the article by Shonkoff “Mobilizing Science to Revitalize Early Childhood Policy,” which explain how it has  been proven early childhood programs help prevent illiness in adulthood. The article summarized the effects of toxic stress on the brain and the benefits of stable relationships in early childhood. As educators it is our duty to know what is being proven by scientist so that it will help us to better prepare our students to grow up into productive members of society.

Erica Hines

1 comment:

  1. Erica,

    I am sorry you have been sick. I agree with you that part of our responsibility is to ensure that we keep up to date with current research knowledge. It is the only way we can be sure to help the children in our programs.

    Feel Better!
