Saturday, January 14, 2012


As I reflect back on positive relationships and the people whom I had these relationships with, I realize how blessed I am to have encounter such meaningful people in my life.

As always my parents James and Shirley Hines have had a great impact on my life.  They taught me how to be me and alway love me regardless of circumstances that occurs in my life.  Our relationship is a positive in so many ways.  If I want the truth regardless of how hurtful it may be I can count on them to give me that.  My parents are very supportive of all of my dreams and goals.  They are biggest cheerleaders.

The other people who have been positive in my life are my children Taylor and Jaylan.  They help me to push on when I feel as if the fight is gone.  They encourage me to be the best that I can be.  All I do, I do for them.  I think that our relationship is two-sided, they encourage me as I show them that dreams are reachable and that if they are going to dream, dream big and anything is possible.

My sibilings, Scottie, Anthony, and Creshauna are the other people who support me whether or not they believe in what I am doing.  They are a supportive team. 

I have several friends that have I have great relationships with as well.

On my job, I feel that my co-teacher and I have a great partnership.  We feed off of each other.  We have one goal and that is to make sure that our children are learning in a safe and nurturing environment.  We constantly support each other by encouraging each other to continue our education, give advice on raising our children as single mothers, and making sure that our classroom has a positive atmosphere.

Some of the challenges of maintaining a relationship would be lack of communication and not have the same goals or aspirations.

I am grateful for the people whom I have built these relationships with.  They are very supportive and encouraging.

Erica Hines

1 comment:

  1. Hello Erica,
    I also find that great communication is a major factor in maintaining a good relationship, especially when two individuals do not have the same goal or agreement. Good communication can let either party know that maybe one may not agree with the other, but they took the time to explain, listen, and understand where that person is coming from. Working as a team, like you do with your co-teachers is a great thing. It is hard to find someone you work with that will back you up a and motivate you to continue/ further your education. I can see why you are so grateful for the people you have built good relationships with.
