Saturday, October 29, 2011


I would like to thank all of my colleagues for their support and encouraging words.  We are all trying to accomplish one goal and that is to be better educators that will enhance the lives of the students that we come in contact with.

This blog assignment ask us to thank to colleagues and I would like to thank the following two people with the notes of thanks listed below:

Hi Yolanda,
I just wanted to thank you for always creating positive blogs.  Your blogs are information that make someone think and I appreciate that.  You are such an inspiration and I pray and wish you the best in all of your endeavors as an educator.
Thanks again,

Erica Hines

Hi Susan,

I would like to say that you have been such an inspiring young lady in my life. Just reading your blogs, and corresponding with you through discussion, I feel that I know you.  You are in my opinions an excellent educator who has so much to offer.  Through your responses and blogs I feel that you have a genuine concern for your students and your profession.

I look forward to participating with you in other classes.  Continue to be the best that you can be.

Erica Hines

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This week's resources was very informative.  We examine the Codes of Ethics for Early Childhood educators.  These codes teaches us how to conduct ourselves in our profession while working with young children and their families.

The  first code comes from NAEYC, :To be familiar with knowledge base o early childhood care and education and stay informed through continued education and training.(NAEYC 2005).

The reason I feel that this code of ethnics is important because things change over a period of time and we as educators need to stay informed and be able to apply the new knowledge gained to our students.

The next code is A DEC code: We shall build relationships with individual children and families while individualizing the curricula and learning environments to facilitate young children's development and learning. (DEC 2005).

This particular code is important to educators because it is our duty to educate the whole child . We do this by teaching parents how to be great supporting parents.  This help build confidence and make children feel assure in themselves.  When educating the whole child, we must make sure that the child is placed in a secure and safe environment.

The third code is a NAEYC code: To create and maintain a safe and healthy settings that fosters children's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect thier dignity and thier contributions (NAEYC 2005).

This code is especially important to early child hood educators, because we know that when a child does not feel safe and secure learning is hard to take place.  If learning is to take place then a child must feel safe and secure and the child must be healthy, as well as, feel as if they belong.

As educators, we must have Codes of Ethics to discipline ourselfs and maintain a professional status.

Erica Hines

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The following information are resources from this week's section.  Listed below are some great resources for EDUCATORS.

Use the A-to-Z e-journal list to search for specific journal titles. (Go to “How Do I...?”, select “Tips for Specific Formats and Resources,” and then “e-journals” to find this search interface.) 
  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education
The following are other resources that I believe are great reading material for Educators as well. 

-----The book On Being a Teacher: The Human Dimension by Jeffery Kottler, Stanley Zehm, and Ellen Kottler.
---- Another book What Keeps Teachers Going? by Sonia Nieto

Another good resource for children and adult is a book my biological children and I use daily, I know that some schools systems are restricted from using this book but it does not stop you as an individual from using this resource and it is The Holy Bible.


Walden University, Foundations: Early Childhood (EDUC-6005-11), Resources. Minnapolis, MN.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Inspiritaton and Motivation

As an Educator, it is important that we instill knowledge and words of wisdom into our students.  A great woman once told me "children learn by example" that woman was my mother, Shirley Hines.  What she meant by that statement is that children model the behavior that they see.  President Lyndon B. Johnson must have also believed that statement.  He saw a country whose children saw living in poverty and being behind as a way of life.  President Johnson said, "Head Start will rescue these children from poverty which otherwise could pursue them all their lives".  Through this statement and quote president Johnson was telling us that if we did not take a stand and wage a war on poverty then our future leaders, our country would be in danger of failure.  

I fill that Susan Bredekamp is a supporter of President Johnson War on Poverty.  She has worked hard on recording ways that we can improve teaching children at their developmental stages or what is developmental appropriate.  Susan stated that " children learn differently".  I agree whole hearted with that statement.  Based on the experience I have encountered with my own biological children as well as my students.  I can go as far as saying the difference in the learning approaches, I noticed in my siblings and myself. 

There are many things that I can state about the video that I listen to and the motivation of the people in it.  One that really stuck out to me was Mr. Hernandez, he stated " Services provided to children are there for their benefit".  He also stated, "the reason he was motivated to teach is that someone opened a door for him so he feels that he needed to do the same for someone else. 

All the people mentioned above have contributed to my interest and passion toward education  The quotes are significant and gives insight to how the people felt about the children.

Erica Hines