Saturday, September 14, 2013

Exploring Roles in teh ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Throughout this journey in the Education Field, I learned that it is important to become members of groups or organizations that allows you to have input and support of a common goal . The two local organizations that I found to be appealing are The local boys and girls club, and the Christian Athletic Organization. The state organization that I found to be interesting is the Georgia Association of Educator. This organizations are beneficial in helping find solution to problems of students or finding the necessary resources. The state organization is a support group for Educators. They also fight on behalf of the educators to make sure that fair treatment is received. In the boys and girls club children are given the opportunities to get extra help with homework assignments and also to be exposed to many things that otherwise they may not be able to enjoy. This organization helps children who are victims of poverty. The Christian Athletic Organization is a group of Athletics who explore their religion. The Georgia Association of Educator is an organization who help encourage educators and help educators to be inform of the new changes.
Through these organization there is resources to help one learn about job opportunities. Through these organization I feel that I can obtain employment as a counselor, or maybe an Assistant Principal.
In these organizations, I feel that I can be helpful because I have great communication skills and the ability to get along well with other. I am able to value others opinion and appreciate their opinion without being bias.
Erica Hines


  1. Erica,

    After reading your blog I looked to see if there was a local boys and girls club in my area. There is one and it does so much for the young children in our area. They help with homework, they have a before and after school program (free) so that parents that work can have a safe place for them until they can get home, and they offer many activities that most children in our area would not get to participate in due to poverty. Thank you for bringing this organization to my attention.


  2. Nice Blog I enjoyed Reading Your Page !
