Sometimes when talking to people whose culture is different then mine, I find it difficult and frustrating.
I find myself communicating differently because I want to be cautious and not offend another person. I try to listen more and allow them to speak more before commenting or engaging verbally in the conversation.
One thing that I feel that I can do is learn more about the culture of others. The next thing that I feel that would help is be more understanding and trying reading the body language of others and asking them to explain or discuss their culture beliefs so that no one would be offend or take misunderstandings out of context.
The third strategy is to try being more open to new ideas and beliefs.
I believe applying this strategies would help me become a more effective communicator with someone of another culture.
Erica this can be frustrating. Have you ever taken up another language, do you know /speak any other languages. If not this may be the perfect time to consider learn a second language. We study other cultures, why not learn the language? Nice post.