Sunday, September 30, 2012


After taking the communication test and then
comparing the results with the two people that I
choose to evaluate my communication skills, I
surprise that their thoughts of the way I
communicate was somewhat different then the way
I perceived my communication skills.  They stated
that to their knowledge, I did not appear to have a
problem or concern with speaking in front of a
group.  I felt that sometimes I became nervous
when speaking in front of a group of people I just
met.  This was something that they stated they did
not notice.  Both participants stated that I was a
good listener as well.  I thought that I could
improve in this skill.  Both participants stated that
they thought that I speak my mind with no
particular concerns if it hurt another person’s
feeling or not.  I disagree with that statement
because I believe that I am constantly trying to
spare the feelings of others.

This assignment was neat because you had the
opportunity to view yourself through the eyes or
opinions of others.


Sunday, September 23, 2012


Sometimes when talking to people whose culture is different then mine, I find it difficult and frustrating.
I find myself communicating differently because I want to be cautious and not offend another person. I try to listen more and allow them to speak more before commenting or engaging verbally in the conversation.
One thing that I feel that I can do is learn more about the culture of others. The next thing that I feel that would help is be more understanding and trying reading the body language of others and asking them to explain or discuss their culture beliefs so that no one would be offend or take misunderstandings out of context.
The third strategy is to try being more open to new ideas and beliefs.

I believe applying this strategies would help me become a more effective communicator with someone of another culture.


Sunday, September 16, 2012


This week a watched a show that I usually do not watch and it was an episode of the Andy Griffith Show.  In this particular episode, Opie had a new teacher, she was teaching them about History.  Well Opie and his friends or classmates thought that the teacher was teaching them a lot of useless facts, so they went to Andy and telling him about how they was not interested and how the teacher was boring.  Andy tells them the story of Paul Revere and Opie and his friends became interested in history, but before then Andy and the teacher exchanged words on the way she was teaching the boys and how the boys were behaving. 

Well when I watched the television show with the volume turned down, I could tell that the boys did not do something they were suppose to do at school or that they were in trouble by the teachers facial expression and body language, as she was talking with the students and Andy.  The thing that threw me off was when Andy was telling the boys the story of Paul Revere; I assumed that they (the boys) were being reprimanded for their action at school.  After hearing the conversation, I realized that the boys facial expression did appear to have the appearance of amazement and wanting to know more information.
If this was a show that I knew very well then, I probably could have just listen to the conversation without watching the picture and would have been able to explain what was going on in the scene.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


When I think of someone who has influenced my thoughts of communication, I have to say that it would be my daughter, Taylor.  She is 19 years old who is filled with confidence and the ability to get her point of view over no matter how she has to do it.  She speaks often in front of audience of young children and always know what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.  During her speeches she uses a lot of verbal and non-verbal techniques.  Some of the techniques are facial expression, body language, or visual aid. 

I have heard a lot of motiviational speakers before, but after hearing Taylor speak, not because she is my daughter but because she is a wonderful speaker, she has given me a new out look on communicating with others.  In order to be a great communicator you also have to be a good listener.  

Thanks to a wonderful teacher, my daughter Taylor.

Erica Hines